
美国.S. 需要有知识和道德的专家,他们可以驾驭金融世界. 随着全球新兴市场的出现,这个世界正变得越来越复杂. Financial analyst is one of the fastest growing occupations in the country, expected to grow by 11 percent from 2016 to 2026.

At ONU, you’ll receive a solid foundation in the principles of finance. You’ll explore topics like the time value of money, the tradeoff between risk and return, 资本预算, working capital management, the cost of capital, 资本结构, mergers and acquisitions, portfolio management, 衍生品, 和更多的. 为了变得更有市场,你可以选择增加一门辅修或成为双主修.

在我们的小班教学中,你会了解你的教授,他们也会了解你. 事实上,你会被分配一个指导老师,从第一天到毕业,他都会指导你. You’ll also interact with and learn from business leaders, 企业家和ONU校友,他们在金融领域开创了令人惊叹的事业. All these people will open doors for you.
